God has been in the center of both of our lives for many years. I (Suzan) have been a Christian since I was six years old and I have dedicated a "life time" to serving the Lord. Although I knew God and witnessed His power in my life as much or more than those around me, I always felt like I was lacking something. I felt like I knew about God, but somehow I did not know him intimately. I said all of the right prayers and performed all of the right works. What I did not realize was that I had become a mixture of the law and grace - Galatians 3:2. I spent years dealing with condemnation and a sense of emptiness. I began to believe that I would never experience real freedom and peace. But, God had a plan and He heard the cry of my heart.
I (Mickey) came to Lord in 1979 and even after having studied and achieved Pastoral and Theological degrees, and having pastured for nine-plus years, I still found myself searching for more. There was a sense in my inner being that there was "something" about God that I had still to find and to know. From reading and meditating His word there was a longing in my spirit for an intimacy (which I would only get hints of-from time to time). There is a saying about, "coming to the end of your rope" and I have known that place...where you are completely spent and now there is only Him. He is ever so faithful to restore and renew you.
We both graduated from Charis Bible College (CBC) in Colorado Springs, Colorado in 2006. It was the following year that our calling as missionaries came to pass. Each one of us can look back on our own lives and see the necessary changes that God brought about in us that equipped us for the calling that God has placed on our lives to teach people who they are in Christ. For both of us-as we look back- we can see that our time at CBC was one that God used to restore and transform us according to His way. (Even though our reasons for attending CBC were different they were alike in that for both of us it was an "end of road-restoration" type of time in our lives.) It was through this time that God began to instill His love, grace and identity in us individually. As His word began to restore our lives, God showed us that our experiences were not unique. Christians everywhere are struggling trying to find the same answers that we had to find.
In 2006 we began to teach Discipleship Evangelism, a 48 lesson discipleship program developed by Don Krow and Andrew Wommack, to pastors in Bogotá, Colombia. It was at this time that, through a series of revelations, that God put it on our hearts to develop a program called "Christians Seeking Identity." The vision that God has put in our hearts is to "GO" where He opens doors in the USA and the world…to the pastors and leaders and teach them "who they are in Christ" so that they in turn can teach their own congregations the same truths.
For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.
(Romans 8:19)
Since that time we have traveled extensively in the US, Mexico, and Latin American countries of Costa Rica, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Nicaragua teaching "Identity in Christ" seminars to groups of pastors, Bible Colleges, and individual congregations. God spoke to us that He would lead us to “the few” that would be used to teach "many."
... but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits. And they that understand among the people shall instruct many.
(Daniel 11:32-33)